Friday, September 28, 2018

A Shorter Story

Part of what has been keeping me from being able to write is the length I had in mind for Zhenya's story. When I wrote the "Full Circle" trilogy, I thought of it as this epic, long tale. The events of the books take place over several years.

For some reason, when approaching this new story, I've had the feeling that I have to match that length. That's silly! I don't know why I thought that. Zhenya and Martinique's story isn't as crazy as Vanya and Persephone's. By comparison, they're just closer to normal than their crazy relatives. As such, this will be a more "typical" romance novel.

It feels good to say that 'on paper.' The task ahead seems less daunting–brighter even. Hope to be in touch with more updates this autumn.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Birthing Chapter One

It's been so difficult to find time to write over the past few years. I'm nearly done with writing the first chapter of Zhenya's tale and it's really surprising to find that it has taken me so long. At this point, I'm just thankful that I've been able to write. I'm glad this novel isn't going to turn into one of those millions of unfinished stories out there, just lingering in the imaginations of their authors and readers.

I say 'birthing' in the title, but it really feels like I've wretched something up slowly–not unlike a tapeworm lodged in your stomach and extracted through your esophagus. Don't worry, the story isn't gross like a tapeworm. It's very sweet and loving.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Getting Something Written Down

It's been quite some time since I've posted material. I feel like it's because I know Zhenya's story and I'm not motivated to write it all down. Hopefully, this summer will provide some motivation and inspiration. Thanks for sticking around!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

New Board

I've made a new Pinterest board that will serve as inspiration for the wedding of my characters Zhenya and Martinique. Check it out! <>

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Equal Opportunity Love

Romance in Color asked the neatest question on their Twitter today: Would the hero in the book you are reading now drive a Porsche or a Range Rover?

I answered that Vanya, of "Full Circle," would drive something like a Porsche and Zhenya, of my upcoming book, would drive something like a Range Rover. Then I had another thought. What if the hero of the book drove something like a hooptie?

There's some criticism of the romance genre for its focus on wealth and riches. Honestly, it is very fun to think of wealth. Romance tries to fulfill and titillate the fantasies of its readers, so, the focus on billionaires who love Jane Doe is understandable.  Critics have cried out for heroes unlike these billionaires -- men who can't buy planes at the drop of a hat and don't command vast power in their circles of influence.

What do these heroes look like? I must say, it would be an interesting challenge to write about a regular joe. Several authors -- Pepper Pace, Jennifer Cole, Aliyah Burke -- write about dudes who aren't rich and powerful all the time. I like the way using a middle class hero can lend a touch of realism to the story at hand. There aren't too many billionaires falling for secretaries or ladies that they meet on the street. I've often thought, "Okay, this plot is a little ridiculous!"

The middle class guy fantasy is titillating because there's a higher potential for that fantasy to occur in the reader's world. A sweet man down on his luck, a neighbor, a handyman, the guy that runs the local resort -- stuff like that. Maybe I'll write about one of these guys soon. The genre could stand for some equal opportunity love.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Another Excerpt from "Full Circle: Zhenya"

“She’s – you know…”
“No, I don’t know,” Zhenya said, scrunching his eyebrows skeptically.
“Oh, come on, Gene!” Alexis huffed. “She’s pretty big.”
“You mean tall, right?” he corrected.
“No, I mean she’s fat.  Not like, gross fat, but like graceful fat.”
“Jesus, Alexis,” Deacon admonished her with narrow eyes, “just let it go!”
“I’m getting something to drink, and I’ll be back when you’re ready to stop saying disparaging things about people I care for.” 
With that, Zhenya turned his back on Alexis and Deacon.  He made his way to the bar, and by the time he was halfway there, he was smirking.  Since when had he ever stood up to Alexis?  Usually, he’d just let her prattle on to avoid confronting her with the hope she’d quiet down eventually.
       Maybe Martinique was getting to him.  If she had been there, he was sure she would have put Alexis in her place.  Just where was she anyway?  He’d made it clear he wanted her to come and made sure Monahan put her and a plus one on the guest list.  Earlier in the evening he’d cursed himself.  What if she brought some other guy as her plus one?  He’d been so busy trying to suavely ask her out that he’d forgotten to slip in a line about her bringing a friend - a girlfriend.